Gina Robinson Page

The Lions Youth Exchange has been one of the best experiences of my life. Not only did it allow me to explore an amazing country independently, it also offered me an enormous growing experience. When I arrived back in the UK I felt so much more confident in myself to try new things, more able to organise myself through new challenges and only ask for guidance when I actually need it. Not to mention how thrilled my parents are by my expanded taste buds!

Although I met some of the best friends I will ever have, the person I became closest to was myself, as the exchange offered me an opportunity to be exactly who I naturally wanted to be- that strong, positive girl followed me home and will stay with me forever. The exchange exposed me to such a range of cultures, it has shown me I can look at things with a different attitude to the one adopted by my small home town, and that there is a whole world not all that far away.

I loved every second of my trip and fully intend to go back to visit my host family and the friends from all around the world that I made along the way. I am so thankful to the Lions Club for giving me this opportunity, one that I would never have had without their help and generosity. It has definitely been a summer that I will never forget.

Photos will follow.